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Bluetooth Technical Operations

Bluetooth is a high speed, low powered wireless linktechnology that’s designed to connect phones or otherportable equipment together with little to no workrequired by the user. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth doesn’t require line of site positioning to work.Current prototype circuits are contained on a board that is 0.9 cm square, with a much smaller circuit board being developed.When one Bluetooth device comes in contact with another, they will automatically exchange addresse and details of capability. Then, they can establish a 1 MB link with security that they will use asrequired. The protocols involved with handle both data and voice, with a very flexible topography.The technology achieves its goal by embedding tiny,non expensive short range tranceivers into the devices available today. The radio operates on the 2.45 GHz frequency band, and supports up to 72 KBps, along with three voice channels.Each devices offers a unique 48 bit address from the IEEE 802 standard, with the connection

Depression Natural Treatment

https://ir3.xyz/6043bd36c56ae Man is the social animal who has come with his own development. He has come to this phase with his own thoughts and ideas. He not only got the compensations with his progress but also got some of the negative aspects like he was exposed to many diseases that came in the way of his progression. One among them is this depression. This is a curable disease and can get treated as early as possible at its early stage. It has a natural and herbal remedy. This depression is one of the diseases having an anxiety disorder that attacks especially the adult population. No matter what the age is or where we are from. The depression is a mental disorder that prevails in the person and may attack at any moment. Here in this condition he undergoes a mental disorder that affects his mood. In this situation he has abnormal feelings or normal feelings, which fall in the category of calm and deep which in turn makes him to get or fell into the attack of this disease. If a p

chetna ka vigyan

----------------:यात्रा प्रेतलोक की:---------------- *********************************** परम श्रद्धेय ब्रह्मलीन गुरुदेव पण्डित अरुण कुमार शर्मा काशी की अध्यात्म-ज्ञानगंगा में पावन अवगाहन पूज्य गुरुदेव के श्रीचरणों में कोटि-कोटि वन्दन --------:एक चेतना दूसरी चेतना को किसी भी भौतिक माध्यम के बिना संकल्प मात्र से  प्रभावित कर सकती है:------- ***********************************     हमारा युग विज्ञान का युग है। आज मनुष्य समूची सृष्टि और ब्रह्माण्ड की खोज में लगा हुआ है तथा उसने प्रकृति के मूलतत्व और उनकी शक्तियों की खोज की है।       विज्ञान के पीछे पागल यह मनुष्य अपने आप में स्वयं एक आश्चर्य है। उसका सामाजिक व्यवहार, उसकी शारीरिक क्रियाएँ और इन सबसे बढ़कर उसका दिमाग इस सृष्टि की सबसे बढ़कर अधिक अजीबो-गरीब चीज़ है। संसार के सभी धर्मों ने इसकी रचना और कार्य-प्रणाली पर विस्तार से रौशनी डाली है। इतना ही नहीं, उन्होंने यह भी खोजने की कोशिश की है कि मनुष्य के मस्तिष्क के पीछे संचालिका शक्ति कौन-सी है ? उन्होंने उसे एक नाम दिया है--'चेतना' तथा यह भी कहा है कि मनुष्य की चेतना उसके मस्तिष्क में

A Pocket Pc Is Portability At It S Best

A Pocket PC is a handheld computer, which features many of the same capabilities as a modern PC. These handy little devices allow individuals to retrieve and store e-mail messages, create a contact file, coordinate appointments, surf the internet, exchange text messages and more. Every product that is labeled as a Pocket PC must be accompanied with specific software to operate the unit and must feature a touchscreen and touchpad. Pocket PC products are created by some of the world’s top computer manufacturers, including HP, Toshiba and Gateway. As is the case with any new technology product, the cost of a Pocket PC was substantial during it’s early release. For approximately $700.00, consumers could purchase one of top-of-the-line Pocket PCs in 2003. These days, customers are finding that prices have become much more reasonable now that the newness is wearing off. For approximately $350.00, a new Pocket PC can now be purchased. Even years after their release, Pocket PCs are a staple

srtring theory aur mantra vigyan

स्टेम सेल से होगा बुड़ापे का इलाज

 वैज्ञानिको ने  उम्रदराज लोगो की कोसिकाओ को स्टेम सेल में बदलने में भी सफलता प्राप्त की है | मोंटेपेलियोर युनिवेर्सिटी  के वैज्ञानिकों ने कहा है की , वह जल्दी ही  इन  कोसिकायो से  उम्रदराज मरीजो का इलाज इस विधि से कर सकते है | प्रमुख शोधकर्ता  ज्यां -मार्क लेमाएत्रे ने बताया , यह कोशिकाओं के कायाकल्प के छेत्र में एक नयी मिशाल है | कोसिकाओ के पुनर्गठन के रास्ते  में उनकी उम्र कोई रुकावट नहीं पैदा  करती है | स्टेम सेल से शरीर के किसी भी भाग के उतकों में तब्दील किया जा  सकता है |  साभार : हिंदुस्तान हिंदी दैनिक